The Forest High School Class of 1985 Reunion - Frenchs Forest Sydney

Reunion for students 1980 to 1985

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Statistics on the reunion

The Forest High School 20 year reunion 2005

For those among you who like numbers.

Total students on the list - 247 (may be a couple more – 122 male, 125 female)
Total of all addresses invitations were sent to - 214 (87%)
Total of students FOUND - 191 (78%)
Students TBC - believed FOUND but never responded - 16 (7%)
LOST students - 41 (17%)

Total attendance on the night - 118 (including teachers and partners)
Students attending night – 106 (52 male, 54 female)
Students attending only BBQ - 3
Total students attending - 109 (44%)

One student asked why we couldn’t find everyone. The main reasons were
*Parents moved
*No one knew how to contact them
*A common name in google
*A common surname in the white pages

(Some people I chased harder but generally drew the line at 6 phone calls to potential relatives.)

Our apologies for everyone LOST who would have liked to be FOUND, plus to everyone FOUND who would have rather stayed LOST. That after 20 years we could find over 80% of students is amazing. To me it is even more amazing that 109 came, and that more would have liked to.